my apple mac experimental site

Saturday, July 30, 2005

London Tourists and Workers: "


Spent today in London, mainly around Whitehall. I wondered whether there would be a discernable decrease in the number of people, but the area around Parliament and Trafalgar Square was seething. Normal workers and many tourists, giving a lie to the thought that there would have been a major impact to London's flux of people after the recent tragic events.


And there was a typical sprinkling of protesters around Parliament - including, today, one for the Parliamentary cleaners, who are on strike for better pay. In the hot sunshine, the Capital seemed to have returned to its normal hectic, eclectic mix of action.


(Via rashbre2.)

Tiger upgrade poll results: "

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The results are in!

On July 14th, we asked you about your Tiger upgrade plans, and in the 12 days since more than 1,800 of you have taken the time to fill out our informal survey. Not surprisingly, TUAW readers have overwhelmingly chosen to make the jump: a whopping 76% of you have upgraded in the first three months. The bulk of the rest of you plan to upgrade before the end of the year, and those of you who haven't taken the plunge yet mostly like Panther's stability and are just waiting for Apple to get the bugs worked out of Tiger.

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(Via The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW).)

ICE - In Case of Emergency: "


In view of the recent events in London, NHS East Anglian Ambulance Service have launched a national 'In Case of Emergency (ICE)' campaign in association with Vodafone's annual life savers award.

The simple idea is that you store the word 'ICE' in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted 'In Case of Emergency'.

In an emergency situation, relevant personnel will be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It's as simple as that, and for more than one contact name you can use ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc. There's more info on the ICE website.


(Via rashbre2.)

Hybrid maps: "Google Maps now has a hybrid style which overlays satellite images with street map data. The two systems (street maps and satellite images) match up now, too, whereas on the last version they still looked different.

Here's my area in UK."

(Via rashbre2.)

Stephanie Klein: "


Stephanie Klein's blog started out as a wau to get space in her life and to tell her friends what was happening. This post describes her thought processes about getting started.


The blog reflects Stephanie's return to single life in New York. She has also bagged a book deal for 'Straight up and Dirty' to be published in 2006 and that is based upon similar stories and observations. Stephanie is regarded as the Carrie Bradshaw of New York bloggers. According to Technorati, her Greek Tragedy blog ranks in the top 1% of all blogs, giving her instant name and face recognition in the New York area.


(Via rashbre2.)